Athletic Union Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the strategic direction of the Athletic Union, its members, and affiliated clubs and operates under powers delegated by the Athletic Union Board chaired by the Proctor. The group meet on a regular basis to discuss and help shape the future of student sport at St Andrews.

The committee

The Executive Committee, which must always have a student majority, is chaired by the Athletic Union President and comprised of co-opted members of the Student Sport Team and Saints Sport staff:

  • Athletic Union President
  • Co-opted members of the Student Sport Team
  • Director of Sport
  • Deputy Director of Sport
  • Assistant Director (Sports Development)

Other members of Saints Sport staff may be invited to attend meetings if deemed
appropriate but will not have a voting right.

How to get involved?

All matriculated students of the University of St Andrews are eligible to apply for the Saints Sport internship programme which provides opportunities for students to contribute to the successful operation of university sport as part of the Student Sport Team.

Following a successful application, the new Student Sport Team vote on who they would like to represent them on the Executive committee. Their voices, opinions, and ideas are vital for furthering the student experience at St Andrews and ensures students are represented at the heart of University sport governance and decision-making.