Movember at St. Andrews

Sunday 24 December 2023

The University’s Movember campaign this year had over 400 participants across 35 teams this year, raising over £40,000 and placing 8th amongst other UK Universities.

Movember is a global Men’s health charity which focuses on tackling three issues that affect men disproportionately: prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health and suicide. These projects range from clinical trials and health projects. Since being founded in 2003 Movember has funded 188 clinical trials and 1,320 men’s health projects.

“Movember is all about creating a sense of community. Some people grow moustaches, some take on physical challenges and some people get involved in or host their own events, but what everyone has in common is that they are trying to make a difference, they care. All you need to start a movement and create change is a couple of like-minded individuals who care passionately about an issue. Movember was founded in a pub in Australia by a couple of mates and look where it is today. Slowly, we are tackling the stigma and making a real difference.” — (Bruno Steel, Movember Student Ambassador)

The initial way to fundraise is to grow a moustache or “Mo”. However, it is not limited to this. You can also “Move for Movember,” the Movember Move challenge of running or walking 60km across the month is undertaken by many people! “Mo your own way” opens the door for many weird and wonderful fundraising activities for example this year a group of rugby freshers are swimming in the sea every day.

Many events have taken place, to name a few: Mo-darts at the union, the 24hr relay, jewellery making workshop, an event with the Marines and Mo-Ball at the Old Course Hotel, plus, many more. These events have given a great structure to the month and kept everyone engaged as well as have given an opportunity for people to support Movember in many ways.

The University of St Andrews Movember campaign has raised £44,240, exceeding the target amount of £40,000 with Saints Sport clubs accounting for over £25,000 of this total. This total brought St. Andrews to be ranked 8th in the UK University Movember rankings. Among other sports clubs, the Rugby, Football and Cricket teams have contributed the most having raised £15,286, £4,840, and £4,047 respectively.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the successful campaign towards an important cause. For more information please check out @ustamovember on Instagram or visit the official Movember website for more information.

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