Celebrations for Lucy’s National Award

Thursday 26 November 2020

Final year student, Lucy Cottee, has won Triathlon Scotland’s Young Volunteer Award 2020.

Announced earlier this week, the triathlete has been recognised for her contributions to the sport across Scotland. Having served as club president for two years, under whose leadership the club tripled in size, and coaching East Fife Triathlon, Lucy is known across the county for her contributions to the sport.

She has actively been volunteering for many years alongside her sporting commitments. Last semester Lucy had planned the Club’s two annual events, the Spring Triathlon and the Autumn Duathlon, which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to COVID.

More recently, Lucy has been coaching the beginner’s swim sessions. As if that wasn’t enough, Lucy has also dedicated her time to charity events where she cycled up to 290km a day for 9 days to raise money for local charity, Families First, and she was the lead organiser for the Colour Run. Her dedication to volunteering will continue this summer as she will hopefully volunteer in Zambia with Saints Sport.

Lucy began triathlon at the age of 7, and less than 4 years later was already coaching at a local swim club, where her passion for volunteering began. Since joining the University, Lucy has been the an assistant coach, and has held the roles of captain and race director in the Triathlon Club.

Commenting on the sport, Lucy expressed how it has allowed her to meet new people, push herself competitively and be involved in plenty of new opportunities. More specifically, Lucy has enjoyed adapting to different coaching styles, whether that be encouraging teenagers to meet their goals or motivating adults.

One of her most favourite volunteering experiences so far is the beginners swimming sessions, which she has loved “every single minute of”. Lucy further added that this is because every “participant is positive and keen to learn, and seeing them develop, both as athletes, but also in confidence (in and out of the water) has been an honour. Whatever I throw at them, from sculling to silly questions to multi-coloured plastic balls (no joke), they give 120% and I couldn’t be prouder”.

Lucy’s coach at the University of St Andrews Triathlon Club, Ross Whittaker, said Lucy is a “remarkable athlete” and a great person to have on a team, especially as she’s always there for other people, whether that be giving them ‘the nudge’ to keep going or being a friendly ear. Ross has enjoyed seeing Lucy grow from a shy person in first year to a valuable and prominent member of club.

“Lucy is a very busy young lady and sometimes I don’t know how she manages it all. She is very well deserving of the young volunteer award for Triathlon Scotland. The University of St Andrews Triathlon Club are very proud to have Lucy as part of our family away from home.”

Dedication to volunteering has been a constitutional part of Lucy’s University experience and she thoroughly recommends that anyone willing to be further involved with volunteering at Saints Sport should throw themselves into it.

“You will meet fantastic people, learn so much (both skills wise and about yourself) and have lots of fun! There is so much on offer – whether you get involved with a club, Junior Saints, international volunteering, or in schools and community programmes – you won’t regret it! Challenge yourself and keep making a difference!”

Saints Sport provides unparalleled volunteering opportunities, so if you have been inspired by Lucy’s journey, head over to the volunteering section of our website to start your journey too.

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